Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

Cerita SiPitung Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya


Pitung has a father named Bang Piun. One day, Bang Piun is in need of money to provide for his family. By because it is, Bang PiunPitung told to sell two goats head to Tanah Abang market.
Bang Piun: "Pitung, come here!."
Pitung: "What is right?"
Bang Piun: "The two goats are at home, you take it to the Tanah Abang market for sale."
Pitung: "why goats for sale dad?"
Bang Piun: "dad again need money to meet the needs of our family."
Pitung: "yeah I've now sold the goat to the market. Assalamu'alaikum. "
Bang Piun: "wa'alaikumsalam, be careful on the road."
                Pitung brother went to the ground to sell the goat. while on the way home, heard the sound of the azan Pitung noon. Pitung went to the mosque for noon prayers. When her ablutions, releasing pitung clothes in your pocket the money from the sale of goats there earlier, and then he hung onto the wall and go in prayer.
Pickpocket1: "ouch .. I again need money, do not have .. "
Pickpocket2: "uh, uh, you see! What's that on the wall? "(Pointing towards clothes Pitung)
Pickpocket1: "uh yeah! See! "
(They approached clothes Pitung)
Pickpocket1: "wuiihya ... no money! take come on! "
Pickpocket2: "come on!" (They also take the money in your pocket Pitung)
                Finished the noon prayer, Pitung take back his shirt and wear it. Once he puts it, Pitung checking his pocket and realized the money from the sale of goats had been missing from his pocket. Pitung the confusion decided to go home.
                At home.
Pitung: "greetings."
Bang piun: "wa'alaikumsalam. You've come home, how many goats behavior? "
Pitung: "goat heck dad already sold, but the proceeds of sale of the goat is lost."
Bang piun: "What is it, money from the sale of goats lost?! Why is that money can be lost? gone where? "
Pitung: "the story so well, it's goat sold out I sell, I went straight home. Fitting in the middle of the road, I stopped at the mosque for midday prayers. Well my existing clothes hanging on the wall of my money. I stay fit for the noon prayer, the money is taken equal pickpocket. Because at that time I was confused, so I have decided to go home. "
Bang piun: "Now put it this way, you find that money until you find it. You should not go home if that money has not been met. you understand? "
Pitung: "Well yes, I understand. I go first dad, greetings. "
Bang piun: "wa'alaikumsalam."
                Pitung was forced to return to Tanah Abang market to look for pickpockets earlier. After searching the Pitungpun finally found mangambil pickpocket the money earlier.
Pitung: "oh, it turns out all of you who took my money. Now I'm all right, you guys my money back! "
Pickpocket1: "do not want! We do not want your money back!
Pickpocket2: "if you want your money back, you try to get my own!"
Pitung: "so I invite you to fight it?"
Pickpocket2: "Yes! If you dare, let our opponents! "
                Scuffle ensued. Pitung strength is far superior to them. Pitung also beat pickpockets. After beating the pickpocket, the pitung straight back home.
Pitung: "greetings."
Bang Piun: "wa'alaikumsalam."
Pitung: "dad, the money from the sale of goats has been met."
Bang piun: "Thank God, gratitude that you have found the money. Happy father's money to see you again. "

                So they started their plan. Rais and Ji'I enter through the back door and take the Compagnie possessions. SebandingkanPitung against guards at the front door.
Home guard: "Who are you?"
Pitung: "I Pitung"
House keeper: "What do you want here?"
Pitung: "You do not need to know I am going to do here."
Pitung also managed to beat the home keeper and rob the Compagnie belongings and run away. The next morning, pitung share these treasures for poor peoples.
Company home
Company: "What is going on here? Why my house broken home?! lost all my possessions! Who would dare to do all this? "
Home guard: "I was the act of the Pitung" (while holding sick)
Company: "What?! Pitung who did all this! can not be forgiven! "

Today was also the Compagnie immediately find the weaknesses Pitung. When Pitung already know the weaknesses, the Company directly for Pitung and pelted with rotten eggs and shot him with a golden bullet. Pitungpun died instantly.


Si pitung mempunyai  ayah  bernama  Bang  Piun. Pada suatu hari, Bang Piun sangat memerlukan uang untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarganya. Oleh karna itu, Bang Piun menyuruh si  Pitung untuk menjual dua ekor kambingnya kepasar Tanah Abang.
Bang Piun            :”Pitung, cepat kemari!.”
Si Pitung               :”ade ape be?”
Bang Piun            :”ntu dua ekor kambing yang di kandang,  elu bawa ke pasar Tanah Abang buat dijual.”
Si pitung               :”kenape kambingnye mau dijual be?”
Bang Piun            :”babe lagi butuh duit buat nyukupin kebutuhan keluarga kite.”
Si pitung               :”yaude sekarang  aye jual kambingnye kepasar. Assalamu’alaikum.”
Bang Piun            :”wa’alaikumsalam, atiati di jalan.”
                Si pitung pun pergi ke tanah abang untuk menjual kambing tersebut. saat di perjalanan pulang, siPitung  mendengar suara azan zuhur. Si pitung pun pergi ke surau untuk solat zuhur . Saat berwudhu , pitung melepaskan baju  yang  di dalam saku baju tersebut terdapat uang hasil penjualan kambing tadi, lalu ia gantungkan ke tembok dan pergi solat.
Pencopet1          :”aduh..aye lagi butuh duit eh, kagakpunya..”
Pencopet2          :”eh, eh, elu liat deh! Ada apaan tuh di tembok?” (sambil menunjuk kea rah baju siPitung)
Pencopet1          :”eh iye!  Liat nyok!”
(mereka mendekati  baju siPitung)
Pencopet1          :”wuiih… ade duitnye nih! Ambiln yok!”
Pencopet2          :”nyok!” (mereka pun mengambil uang yang ada di saku baju si Pitung)
                Selesai solat zuhur, Pitung mengambil kembali bajunya dan memakainya. Setelah ia pakai, siPitung memeriksa saku bajunya dan baru menyadari uang hasil penjualan kambing tadi sudah hilang dari saku bajunya. Pitung  yang  kebingungan memutuskan untuk pulang.
                Di rumah.
Si pitung               :”assalamu’alaikum.”
Bang piun            :”wa’alaikumsalam. Ude pulang lu, kambingnye laku berapa duit?”
Si pitung               :”kambingnye sih ude kejual  be, tapi duit hasil jualan kambingnye ilang.”
Bang piun            :”ape, duit hasil penjualan kambingnye ilang?! Kenape ntu duit bias ilang ? Ilang dimane ?”
Si pitung               :”gini be ceritanye, abis ntu kambing laku aye jual, aye langsung pulang. Pas  ditengah jalan,  aye berhenti  di  surau buat solat zuhur. Nah baju aye yang  ada duit nye aye cantolin di tembok.pas aye tinggal buatsolatzuhur, uangnye diambil sama copet. Karna saat itu aye bingung, yaude  aye  putusin pulang aje.”
Bang piun            :”sekarang gini aje, elu cari ntu duit ampe ketemu. Elu kagak bolah pulang kalo ntu duit belon ketemu. Ngartilu?”
Si pitung               :”iye be, aye ngarti. Aye berangkat dulu be,assalamu’alaikum.”
Bang piun            :”wa’alaikumsalam.”
                Si pitung  pun terpaksa kembali ke pasar Tanah Abang untuk mencari pencopet tadi .Setelah mencari-cari akhirnya siPitung pun menemukan pencopet  yang  mangambil  uangnya tadi.
Si pitung               :”oh, ternyata elu-elu pade yang ngambil duit aye. Sekarang aye minta baek-baek, elu-elu pade kembaliin duit aye!”
Pencopet1          :”kagak mau! Kite kagak mau ngembaliin duit elu!
Pencopet2          :”kaloe lu mau duit lu kembali , coba elu ambil sendiri!”
Si Pitung               :”jadi elu pade ngajak aye berkelahi nih ?”
Pencopet2          :”iye! Kalo elu berani, ayo lawan kite!"
                Perkelahian pun terjadi. Kekuatan sipitung jauh lebih unggul dari pada mereka. Si Pitung pun mengalahkan pencopet.
                Setelah mengalahkan pencopet , sipitung langsung pulang kerumah.
Bang Piun            :”wa’alaikumsalam.”
Si pitung               :”be, ini duit hasil penjualan kambingnye ude ketemu.”
Bang piun            :”Alhamdulillah, syukur kalo duitnye ude ketemu. Babe seneng banget ni duit bisa ketemu lagi.”
                Mereka  pun memulai rencana mereka. RaisdanJi’I  masuk melalui pintu belakang  dan mengambil harta milik kompeni. Sebandingkan Pitung melawan penjaga di pintu depan.
PenjagaRumah :”Siapa kamu?!”
Si Pitung               :”aye Pitung”
Penjagarumah :”mau ap akamu kesini?!”
Si Pitung               :”elu kagakperlu tau aye mau ngapain kesini.”
Pitung  pun berhasil mengalahkan penjaga rumah dan merampok harta milik kompeni lalu kabur.Pagi harinya, pitung membagikan harta-harta tersebut untuk rakyat-rakyat miskin.

Kompeni              :”Apa yang terjadi di sini? Kenapa rumahku berantakkan ?! hartaku hilang semua! Siapa  yang berani melakukan semua ini ?!”
PenjagaRumah                :”Inilah si Pitung” (sambil menahan sakit)
Kompeni              :”apa?! Pitung yang melakukan semua ini! Tidak bias dimaafkan!”

Hari itu juga kompeni langsung mencari kelemahan Pitung. Saat sudah mengetahui kelemahan Pitung, Kompeni langsung mencari Pitung dan melemparinya dengan telur busuk dan menembaknya dengan peluru emas.Pitung pun meninggal seketika.

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